The Manor Church of England Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Achieve
Shine like stars in the sky

Describe your image

British Values
In 2014, the government set out its expectations for schools to actively promote the values of Great Britain. The government has defined British values as:
- Democracy;
- The rule of law;
- Individual Liberty;
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
At The Manor, we believe that we already promote these through our existing school values of responsibility, caring, honesty, friendship, respect and courage. Our core Christian values lie at the root of everything we do at our school– from the relationships we aim to build with our young learners to the way in which they feel safe enough to
challenge their own way of thinking or doing something.
Our Collective Worship is based on the 'Values for Life' programme and enables all of our children to explore key values through faith stories, real life examples and celebration of key religious and cultral events. We also actively promote tolerance and respect of other cultures, faiths and beliefs both through our RE and PSHE teaching as well as celebrating diversity in all forms and holding events such as our Faith Days. Furthermore, at The Manor, we expect all members of our school community to exhibit respect and tolerance of all people; the positive behaviour which permeates our school is as a result of our children continually thinking about how their actions affect others and taking responsibility for making our school the best that it can be!
Our aim is to provide a rich, varied and challenging learning experience for all of our children so that by the time they leave us, they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to develop and grow into fair, honest and tolerant young citizens who have a clear sense of right and wrong.